Assignment 02 Install Docker Container
Assignment Description
Install Docker and Hortonworks HDP
Install Docker Community Edition
For reference, we’re going to essentially follow directions from here:
- Docker images are installed onto root filesystem so won’t have enough disk space for both raw image file and installed image
- sudo wget _6_1_docker_image_28_07_2017_14_42_40.tar
- Will take about 20 min to download
For reference, we’re going to essentially follow directions from here:
- Start VM
- SSH to server
- Run the following commands (hit “Y” to confirm apt-get commands if prompted)
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https curl
- curl -fsSL |
sudo apt-key add -
- sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] \ $(lsb_release -cs) \
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install docker-ce
- sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https curl
- Docker should be running
- Test installation by running “ sudo docker run hello-world ”
- Output should include text like
- Hello from Docker!
- This message shows that your installation appears to be working
Install Hortonworks Sandbox into Docker
- Hello from Docker!
- Test installation by running “ sudo docker run hello-world ”
- Docker images are installed onto root filesystem so won’t have enough disk space for both raw image file and installed image
- sudo wget _6_1_docker_image_28_07_2017_14_42_40.tar
- Will take about 20 min to download
- Load image file into Docker
- sudo docker load -i
- This will also take a while with little to no output to let you know it is actually doing anything
- Download startup script - cd
- Return to home directory - wget ls/master/tutorials/hdp/sandbox-deployment-and-install-gui de/assets/
- Edit using favorite text editor (vi, nano, emacs, etc...) - Add “-v /data:/data” to docker run command between
“--priviledged ” and “-d ” (should be line 8)
- sudo docker load -i
- This will also take a while with little to no output to let you know it is actually doing anything
- Download startup script - cd
- Return to home directory - wget ls/master/tutorials/hdp/sandbox-deployment-and-install-gui de/assets/
- Edit using favorite text editor (vi, nano, emacs, etc...) - Add “-v /data:/data” to docker run command between
“--priviledged ” and “-d ” (should be line 8)
- Run startup script
- chmod a+x ./ - sudo ./
- This will also take a while the first time
HDP Sandbox is now running in a Docker container on your VM
- chmod a+x ./ - sudo ./
- This will also take a while the first time
HDP Sandbox is now running in a Docker container on your VM
- First time setup
- SSH into docker container “ ssh -p 2222 root@localhost”
- Default password is “hadoop” will make you change it first time
- Unblock port 8080 for Ambari Web UI Access
- SSH into docker container “ ssh -p 2222 root@localhost”
- Default password is “hadoop” will make you change it first time
- Unblock port 8080 for Ambari Web UI Access
- 1) On Azure portal go to “Networking” tab for your VM
- 2) Select “Add inbound port Rule
Add Port 8080 rule
Hortonworks HDP Installation and Setup Completed!!!
Tutorial of getting to know sandbox available at:
Hortonworks HDP Installation and Setup Completed!!!
Tutorial of getting to know sandbox available at:
Fun With Hive Lab
Go to http://IP.ADD.RE.SS:8080 to see Ambari Web UI
Log in as “admin” using password ”4o12t0n” (without quotes)
Go to http://IP.ADD.RE.SS:8080 to see Ambari Web UI
Log in as “admin” using password ”4o12t0n” (without quotes)
The default memory size for Hive is quite small on this sandbox so we will increase it by
changing the Hive configuration
1) Select the Hive service from the service list on the left side of the page,
2) Choose “Configs” tab
3) In the filter box input “ hive.tez ” to filter the configs we want to change
4) Set hive.text.container.size to 1024 MB
5) Choose the “Advanced” tab
6) Modify to set -Xmx8192m
7) Save the changes
8) Restart all affected services (any recommendations you get just accept or proceed)
Confirm restart if prompted
6) Modify to set -Xmx8192m
7) Save the changes
8) Restart all affected services (any recommendations you get just accept or proceed)
Confirm restart if prompted
Once the restart is done, open the Hive2 View, this is what was demo’d at the end of class.
Check the week 2 recording at 2:50:00 to see a demonstration of the rest, including how to load
Hive view and create a table. Only instead of loading from HDFS you will simply upload from
your local machine for this assignment, but please feel free to experiment with HDFS.
Download the sample data from here:
Create a new Hive table, and choose upload table and provide the file you just downloaded (make sure the box to use “first row as header” is checked)
Hive will create and load the table for you based on the data you provided. Now switch to the query view. Run the following query: s elect count(*) from home_data
You should get a result of 21613 if everything is working
Download the sample data from here:
Create a new Hive table, and choose upload table and provide the file you just downloaded (make sure the box to use “first row as header” is checked)
Hive will create and load the table for you based on the data you provided. Now switch to the query view. Run the following query: s elect count(*) from home_data
You should get a result of 21613 if everything is working
Assignment 2
Use the sample data provided to answer the following questions. Please submit your answers to the following questions along with the query you executed to get that answer. For question 5 save the results file using the “Save as” option from the Ambari UI and attach to the assignment submission.
This is a zip code lookup table for WA, King County. Use this new table to join with the previous table to solve the next questions
Price per sq. ft. is a common metric for valuing housing. Calculate the avg. price per sq. ft for the houses sold in this data set. You do not need to get the answer using one query i.e. can use two or more queries to get the data you need to solve.
Bonus Exercise 2:
“date” is a reserved keyword in Hive. The sample data has a column named “date”. How can you use this column in a query without an error? Generate a list of all the unique date values represented in this data set.
Tim Pauley Student tjpauley
Oct 29 2017
I caught a couple of errors in my queries. This is the corrected version
Question 1
What is the most & least expensive houses in the data set?
, min(price)
Question 2
What is the most expensive zipcode in the data set defined as highest average sales price?
, AVG(price) AS avg_price
FROM home_data
GROUP BY zipcode
Question 3
How many houses were built prior to 1979?
FROM home_data
WHERE yr_built < 1979
Question 4
How many homes were sold with a zipcode defined as being in Seattle?
FROM home_data h
JOIN wa_zipcodes w ON h.zipcode = w.zipcode
WHERE = "Seattle"
Question 5
Output a report showing the most expensive house in each city. Include at a minimum the price,
Zipcode, and city
, zip
, city
(SELECT h.price AS max_price
, h.zipcode AS zip
, AS city RANK() OVER
ORDER BY h.price DESC) AS rank
FROM home_data h
JOIN wa_zipcodes w ON h.zipcode = w.zipcode)
WHERE rank = 1
ORDER BY max_price
Bonus 1
Calculate the avg price sq ft for the houses sold in the data set?
Bonus 2
Generate a list of all the unique date values represented in this data set?
SELECT DISTINCT `date` FROM home_data;
Use the sample data provided to answer the following questions. Please submit your answers to the following questions along with the query you executed to get that answer. For question 5 save the results file using the “Save as” option from the Ambari UI and attach to the assignment submission.
1) What is the most and least expensive houses in the data set?
2) What is the most expensive zipcode in the data set, defined as highest average sales
3) How many houses were built prior to 1979?
This is a zip code lookup table for WA, King County. Use this new table to join with the previous table to solve the next questions
4) How many homes were sold with a zipcode defined as being in “Seattle”?
5) Output a report showing the most expensive house in each city. Include at a minimum
the price, zipcode and city.
Price per sq. ft. is a common metric for valuing housing. Calculate the avg. price per sq. ft for the houses sold in this data set. You do not need to get the answer using one query i.e. can use two or more queries to get the data you need to solve.
Bonus Exercise 2:
“date” is a reserved keyword in Hive. The sample data has a column named “date”. How can you use this column in a query without an error? Generate a list of all the unique date values represented in this data set.
Tim Pauley Student tjpauley
Oct 29 2017
I caught a couple of errors in my queries. This is the corrected version
Question 1
What is the most & least expensive houses in the data set?
, min(price)
Question 2
What is the most expensive zipcode in the data set defined as highest average sales price?
, AVG(price) AS avg_price
FROM home_data
GROUP BY zipcode
Question 3
How many houses were built prior to 1979?
FROM home_data
WHERE yr_built < 1979
Question 4
How many homes were sold with a zipcode defined as being in Seattle?
FROM home_data h
JOIN wa_zipcodes w ON h.zipcode = w.zipcode
WHERE = "Seattle"
Question 5
Output a report showing the most expensive house in each city. Include at a minimum the price,
Zipcode, and city
, zip
, city
(SELECT h.price AS max_price
, h.zipcode AS zip
, AS city RANK() OVER
ORDER BY h.price DESC) AS rank
FROM home_data h
JOIN wa_zipcodes w ON h.zipcode = w.zipcode)
WHERE rank = 1
ORDER BY max_price
Bonus 1
Calculate the avg price sq ft for the houses sold in the data set?
Bonus 2
Generate a list of all the unique date values represented in this data set?
SELECT DISTINCT `date` FROM home_data;
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